Chairman Chabot: Tax Reform Critical for Small Businesses


Date: July 13, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Chairman Chabot applauded the Ways and Means Committee for holding a hearing to examine how tax reform will help small businesses grow and create new jobs.

"As Chairman of the House Small Business Committee, I regularly hear from small businesses across the country about their constant struggle with trying to comply with our nation's tax laws. They're confusing. They're complicated. And they're costly," said Chairman Chabot (R-OH).

The House Small Business Committee has made tax reform a priority, holding several hearings on the matter including how the tax code is a barrier to entrepreneurship, small business owners not being able to participate in cafeteria plans, and ensuring that the IRS effectively protects small businesses from scams.

"Our complicated tax system prevents small businesses from expanding and creating new American jobs. If we want to keep our economy strong, we must put small businesses first by reforming the tax code. Today's hearing was another great step in the right direction. The Small Business Committee will continue to put this issue front and center," Chairman Chabot concluded.
