Maloney: The Republican Health Care Plan is Unacceptable


Mar 13, 2017 Press Release
Following release of the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the House Republican American Health Care Act, Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12) released the following statement.

"Today, the independent Congressional Budget Office released its analysis of the House Republican's plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and its findings were just as bad as many of us had feared. According to this nonpartisan report, the Republican bill would strip 24 million Americans of their insurance, including 14 million alone next year.

"It would destabilize the insurance market and significantly raise the cost of premiums for seniors. Under this GOP bill, a 64-year-old in the individual market with an income of $26,500 will pay $12,900 more in premiums each year.

"Millions of women across the country will lose access to care including to cancer screenings, contraceptives and family planning services, because the Republican bill cuts off all federal funding for Planned Parenthood for a full year.

"For New Yorkers, this bill is an especially bad deal. The GOP bill eliminates federal funding for our state's Essential Plan, taking away a popular and successful insurance option for more than 600,000 of our neighbors who don't qualify for Medicaid but still need help affording insurance. It means hard hits to New York City hospitals that will lose much needed federal funding that they have gained through Medicaid expansion. It means billions of dollars of loss to New York State as the Medicaid federal contribution is reduced over time from 90% to 50%, forcing New York to cut back care for older Americans, children, and individuals with disabilities.

"Now, we know why House Republicans have been racing this disastrous bill through Congress, to pass it before the real consequences for the American people were spelled out in real numbers. This bill is a merciless attack on the most vulnerable among us, a set-back for seniors and a disaster for our medical providers. It will destroy all the progress we have made over the past 8 years. It is simply unacceptable and I will not stop fighting until we have a real solution for providing affordable healthcare for all Americans."
