Hurd, Moulton Determined to Bring Government Travel into the 21st Century

Press Release

Date: Jan. 10, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Washington, DC -- U.S. Representatives Will Hurd (R-TX) and Seth Moulton (D-MA) are starting a new Congressional session by working to modernize the federal government. On day two of the 115th Congress, the bipartisan duo re-introduced the Modernizing Government Travel (MGT) Act, in an effort to allow government employees to use ridesharing apps, bikeshare programs, and other innovative transportation options for official business. On day six, the House passed the bill with a unanimous vote.

"The option to summon a ride via smartphone gives millions of federal employees' greater flexibility, saves taxpayer dollars, and allows federal agencies to catch up with the private sector," said Hurd, who chairs the House Subcommittee on IT, and has been an advocate for modernizing federal IT and embracing new technology. "If we want a 21st Century government, innovation is key."

"This legislation is a bipartisan effort that demonstrates a clear consensus on both sides of the aisle that the federal government has failed to keep pace with the technological advances and innovation that have come to define the 21st century economy," said Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA). "Our bill ensures that innovative and cost-effective modes of transportation are available to the millions of federal employees throughout the country for official travel."

Last year, ride-sharing industry leaders praised the passage of the same legislation during the 114th Congress:

"Millions of Americans rely on Lyft's convenient, affordable rides when traveling for work, and we appreciate the House passage of legislation to allow federal workers to utilize transportation choices that include ridesharing," said Joe Okpaku, Lyft's Vice President of Government Relations. "We want to thank Representatives Hurd, Moulton, Swalwell and Issa for their continued support of innovative, modern options like Lyft."

"Thank you to Congressman Hurd and Congressman Moulton for working hard to move this legislation forward in the House. Uber is committed to providing reliable transportation at the push of a button for everyone, everywhere, including those working in the federal government," said Niki Christoff, Head of Federal Affairs for Uber.

The MGT Act now heads to the Senate.
