Hurd Statement on Reports of Comey Memos


Date: May 17, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Will Hurd released the following statement regarding reports that former FBI Director James Comey kept a series of memos detailing allegations of the President's attempts to influence the FBI's investigation into former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

"Last week I stated the timing of FBI Director James Comey's firing was troubling. Even more troubling, however, are reports that just months before his firing, James Comey--a man who in spite of our disagreements, I have the utmost respect for -- may have come under pressure by the President in an attempt to influence an ongoing FBI investigation.

"In order to determine the veracity of these reports, I fully support Chairman Chaffetz's request for the FBI to turn over all memos and related material to the Oversight and Government Reform Committee. I also support his request for former Director Comey to appear before the committee and testify under oath if necessary. These are the important first steps to determine whether a special prosecutor is necessary."
