McKinley Joins President Trump at the White House

Press Release

Date: Feb. 7, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman David B. McKinley, P.E., (WV-1) joined President Trump at the White House for the signing of a Congressional Review Act (CRA) to stop the SPR. As Chairman of the Congressional Coal Caucus, stopping this painful rule has been Congressman McKinley's top priority. If implemented this rule would have shut down more coal mines and put up to 80,000 coal miners out of work.

"Over the last eight years, few industries have been under attack from Washington the way the coal industry has. Because of the war on coal waged by the Obama administration, over 240 coal fired plants have closed and 83,000 people have lost their jobs. Fortunately, we finally have a partner in the White House who understands just how damaging these rules can be," said McKinley.

"Today's signing is a major victory for West Virginia and coal miners all across the country. I look forward to continuing to work alongside President Trump and Vice President Pence to roll back abusive government regulations and create more opportunities for my fellow West Virginians," McKinley said.


On July 27, 2015, the Department of the Interior's (DOI) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) proposed the Stream Protection Rule (SPR). Coal industry leaders called this rule the single greatest threat to the jobs and family livelihoods of their employees.

In the closing weeks of his term, President Obama announced this final anti-coal rule, which does little to actually protect waterways and instead extends the strong arm of the federal government at the expense of states, coal workers, and ultimately ratepayers.

Stopping this rule has been the Congressional Coal Caucus's number one priority and as Chairman, Congressman McKinley has been leading the fight. Over the past year and a half the Congressman has led meetings with House Leadership, state regulatory agencies, and the Obama Administration in an attempt to stop this dangerous rule.
