Olson Praises Trump Support for Critical Energy Pipelines


Date: Jan. 24, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) today issued the following statement of strong support upon learning President Trump has acted to advance the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines:

"I am elated to finally have a president who understands the importance of energy infrastructure for both the economic growth and energy security of this nation. Not only will these projects create new jobs, but they will also allow us to better integrate energy across North America.

"Support from the Trump Administration for critical energy pipeline infrastructure will go a long way to improve American energy security by providing a safe means of transporting our liquid freedom. Pipelines remain the safest and most common sense method to move oil and gas. Rejecting them out of hand as a means of catering to environmental extremists is short-sighted. President Trump gets it."
