Making America Secure

Press Release

Date: July 27, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement on House passage of H.R. 3219, the Make America Secure Appropriations Act:

"Making our nation secure requires vigilance. We must invest in every aspect of our security from our nuclear triad that deters atomic warfare to the men and women who protect our homeland and interests abroad.

"Today, we voted to renew our vigilance with the Make America Secure Appropriations Act--legislation that takes a complete survey of the threats facing our nation and provides the funds we need to be safe. Our troops will get the best equipment and training along with a 2.4% raise, our nuclear infrastructure will receive necessary updates, and every single dime the President requested to start building a wall on our southern border, he's going to get. The bill also fulfills commitments we made to our veterans who have been treated shamefully by incompetence and bureaucracy within the VA's health care system.

"The House has taken its time, studied our threats, and assessed our resources. Because of that work, we passed legislation that will make America more secure."
