Congressman Duffy Leads Effort To Clarify Milk Definition

Press Release

Date: Jan. 31, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI), co-chairman of the Congressional Dairy Farmers Caucus, today put forward bipartisan legislation in the House that requires the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take enforcement action against manufacturers labeling plant-based beverages as milk.

Congressman Duffy released the following statement on the legislation:

"You can't milk an almond, that's why I urge the FDA to clarify and enforce the definition of milk they already have on the books- milk comes from cows! Wisconsin dairy farmers and consumers across the country deserve this important clarification."


Dairy farmers are being buffeted by extreme financial hardships. Since 2014, milk prices have plunged 40 percent. During the same time, there has been a surge in the mislabeling of imitation milk products, including beverages produced from almonds, soy, and rice.

Last month, Congressman Duffy, along with more than 30 members of Congress, sent a bipartisan letter to the FDA objecting to the mislabeling of imitation plant-based products that do not have the unique attributes and nutritional value of milk.
