Preserving the Veterans Choice Program


Date: April 5, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed S. 544, which extends the Veterans Choice Program. Congressman Bill Flores (R-Texas) issued the following statement regarding passage of the bill:

"Congress established the Veterans Choice Program in response to the VA waiting list scandal and the mistreatment of our veterans to ensure that our nation's veterans have access to timely care in their own communities. Today, the House voted to preserve this beneficial program rather than sunsetting it this August. This bill also streamlines the processes between the VA and community health care providers to help ease the burdens of our veterans. By extending the Veterans Choice Program, veterans will continue to receive the medical care they deserve while Congress continues its work to create a 21st century VA that will serve our veteran population with access to high-quality care. We have an obligation to our nation's veterans to ensure that the VA puts the care of our nation's veterans first and is on a path to long-term success."
