Letter to the Hon. David Shulkin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs - Heller Demands Answers on Potential VA Facility Closure


Date: May 5, 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

Dear Secretary Shulkin:

As a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee and the senior Senator representing Nevada's veterans, I am writing regarding your comments at a hearing that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) may seek to close 1,100 VA facilities nationwide. Given the importance of the VA services and care provided to veterans in Nevada, I want to ensure that Nevada's veterans are protected and that Congress approves any closures that will impact existing services.

Like you, I recognize the importance of utilizing resources effectively so that Nevada's veterans receive high-quality care and benefits from the VA. While I understand your desire to consolidate the hundreds of vacant VA buildings so those resources can be directed toward the needs of veterans, Congress should have a role in this process, primarily when considering the more than 700 other VA buildings that are still being utilized. I have concerns with the potential closure of any Nevada VA facilities and believe Congress should approve any changes moving forward. Please provide details of your plan for ensuring Congressional engagement on this issue.

I also respectfully request that you provide me a list of any VA facilities in Nevada that the VA is considering for closure or consolidation, along with an assessment of the need for closure. If there are any Nevada facilities, the assessment should include the size of the facility, the use for the facility, how many VA employees work in the facility, the plan for how the services at the facility would be replaced if it is closed, and any other important details the VA finds relevant to informing Nevada veterans of the need for closure.

Again, I appreciate your attention to this issue of accountability for Nevada's heroes and request a response no later than May 18, 2017. It has been a privilege to work in collaboration with you to serve veterans, and I look forward to continuing our partnership together.


U.S. Senator
