Rep. Brat: President Trump Sets Optimistic Tone and Aggressive Agenda


Date: Feb. 28, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Brat (R-Va.) issued the following statement after President Donald Trump's Address to a Joint Session of Congress:

"I applaud the optimistic vision and aggressive agenda the President shared in his speech to the American people and Congress tonight. There are real issues facing our country and the Virginia communities I represent. I believe President Trump provided solutions for how we can move our nation forward.

We must enact meaningful reforms to promote economic growth. Under the previous administration, the economy stagnated and wage growth remains flat. Meanwhile, Main Street is struggling to comply with regulations and navigate a complex tax code. America's businesses must come first and be allowed to flourish. I look forward to getting tax reform accomplished this Congress.

Obamacare must be repealed and replaced with a free-market driven system and not just another federal entitlement program. Any replacement legislation must come with a planned transition period and protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Too often patients become pawns in the pecking order against giant insurance companies.

I believe every parent should have the choice to give their kids educational opportunities that reach beyond their zip code. Education is the greatest equalizer in our society. Across party lines we should all agree: every child deserves access to the highest quality education available.

I support the President's efforts to rebuild our military and protect our communities. As Congress considers spending levels, the firewall between defense and discretionary spending must be torn down. I believe Our men and women in uniform must have the capabilities to defend our country against current and future threats. And when service members return home, our veterans deserve a VA that is known not by scandal, but by their responsiveness and veteran-centered services."
