Baltimore Delegation Calls on Attorney General Sessions to Rescind Request to Delay Baltimore Consent Decree

Date: April 4, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger today signed a petition to force the U.S. House of Representatives to vote on the release of President Donald Trump's long-promised tax returns.

The petition would require the U.S. House of Representatives to act on bipartisan legislation introduced by Rep. Anna Eshoo (Presidential Tax Transparency Act) to require President Trump and all future presidents and nominees to disclose their tax returns to the American people. A "Demand A Vote" petition -- also called a discharge petition -- requires 218 signatures of Members of the House of Representatives in order to force a vote on the U.S. House floor.

"As a former investigative prosecutor, I know you have to follow the money," Congressman Ruppersberger said. "That is why I am once again calling on the President to release not only his personal tax returns but, perhaps more importantly, his corporate returns. The American public deserves to know the extent of any dealings with Russia and if these connections could affect our national security. Put it out there if you have nothing to hide."

After Watergate, all presidents, Republicans and Democrats, have released either their individual tax returns or summary tax data. Nearly 75 percent of Americans, including 50 percent of the President's supporters, want the President to release his tax returns, according to a recent ABC/Washington Post poll.
