Rep. Wilson on President's Budget Request


Congressman Joe Wilson made the following statement on the President's budget request:

"I am encouraged by the President's fresh approach to the budget process, ultimately achieving a balanced budget. However, I have grave concerns that the budget released by the Administration does not align with the President's commitments to the American people--especially when it comes to national security and defense--and lets down the people of South Carolina.

"The President has spoken often of his commitment to national security and rebuilding our military. Yet, I agree with Armed Services Chairman Mac Thornberry that this budget does not provide for sufficient resources to train and equip our soldiers--especially as we face more threats to American families than ever before. Furthermore, dramatic cuts to the State Department and support for American allies will weaken our ability to fight terrorism and develop allies in critical regions.

"Additionally, the Administration's budget fails to appreciate the important role South Carolina plays in national security, environmental cleanup, and creating jobs. The budget plans for the elimination of the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility, which puts South Carolina and Georgia at risk of being a permanent dump for nuclear waste. MOX is the only facility in the nation that, when completed, would be able to convert weapons-grade plutonium into green fuel. I also remain concerned about broader impacts to the other critical missions at the Savannah River Site.

"In the coming days, weeks, and months I look forward to carefully scrutinizing the President's budget request and working with my colleagues in Congress to exercise our constitutional power of the purse. I am confident that we can put forth a responsible, fiscally conservative budget that supports military families, stands up for national defense, and strengthens our nation's infrastructure. I believe we have the ability to find common ground with the President, and look forward to working with him for our shared goals for limited government.
