Rep. Richmond on President Trump's Executive Order to Institute a "Muslim Ban'


Date: Jan. 30, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Chairman, Congressman Cedric Richmond (LA-02), released the following statement after President Trump signed orders to make it more difficult for families, including refugees, to enter the United States based on their religion or religious heritage:

"This unjust, counterproductive, and immoral Executive Order violates the U.S. Constitution and goes against our fundamental values," said Rep. Richmond. "This is not only my opinion but the view of attorneys general across the country. President Trump's ban has shut the door on many of our allies, including brave men and women who have risked their lives to work with American troops. "

"The United States has stood as a beacon of freedom and inspiration. We welcome the tired, poor, and huddled masses yearning to breathe free to our shores. This president has chosen to re-brand our country as one that rejects these principles. The Congressional Black Caucus will stand against this dangerous Executive Order and continue to call on the president to reconsider this approach."
