Barr Votes to Strengthen Public Safety

Press Release

Congressman Andy Barr (KY-06) today voted in favor of two bills to enhance public safety and to combat sanctuary cities.

"While we have a lot of work to do to fix our broken immigration system, the two commonsense bills we passed today are a good start," said Congressman Barr. "We should all be able to agree that dangerous criminals should not be given a safe haven anywhere in our country and that our immigration policies should not encourage deported criminals to come back into the United States. The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act and Kate's Law will help keep Americans safe by discouraging sanctuary cities and by deterring deported criminals from returning."

H.R. 3003, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act prohibits state or local governments from implementing laws, policies, or guidance that prohibit law enforcement agencies from restricting compliance with immigration laws or from cooperating with federal immigration officials in the enforcement of immigration laws.

H.R. 3004, Kate's Law is named for Kate Steinle who was senselessly murdered by an unlawful immigrant who had been previously removed several times from the United States. The legislation would raise the maximum sentences for criminal aliens who illegally reenter the United States which would serve as a true deterrent against reentry after deportation.
