Congressman Rogers' Statement on President Trump's FY18 Budget Proposal


U.S. Rep. Harold "Hal" Rogers (KY-05) released the following statement regarding President Trump's proposed budget for fiscal year 2018, entitled: A New Foundation for American Greatness.

"President Trump proposed an aggressive budget to beef up our national defense, while also working to balance federal spending over the long run. It includes important funding for priorities like immigration enforcement and combatting the nation's opioid epidemic, while also preserving Social Security and Medicare benefits for our most vulnerable. However, the proposed cuts to some federal programs are not mere shavings; they are rather deep and harmful to my district spanning Kentucky's Appalachian region and other rural, impoverished parts of the country. The Congress has a Constitutional duty to fund the federal government and protect taxpayer spending, and we will uphold that responsibility through the appropriations process for fiscal year 2018. We will responsibly consider the impact of every component of President Trump's blueprint. However, we must ensure that we take care of the less fortunate and protect federal programs, like the Appalachian Regional Commission, that provide vital resources for rural communities and families every year."

Foreign Aid

"As Chairman of the U.S. House Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, I am pleased with the President's focus on defeating ISIS and other terrorist organizations, countering Russian aggression, combatting transnational crime, and shoring up our borders here at home. However, the proposed cuts to U.S. diplomacy and assistance are sweeping and potentially counterproductive to our national security goals. The United States has a long history of providing humanitarian aid and helping our most vulnerable neighbors during times of crises, conflict, and unrest. Our nation is stronger when our allies and partners are stronger. We must continue to support U.S. diplomatic and development efforts, alongside our military engagement, as we seek to secure our nation and finalize the budget for fiscal year 2018."
