Emmer: President's Misguided Cuba Directive Undercuts Human Rights & Threatens National Security


Date: June 16, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Tom Emmer (MN-06) released the following statement in regards to the Administration's rollback of the United States' engagement efforts with Cuba:

"I am extremely disappointed with President Trump's announcement he is going to "roll back' the progress made in improving our relationship with Cuba. Through today's actions, his Administration claims that he is honoring a campaign promise and fighting for the Cuban people. Yet, by returning to the failed policy of the past 55 years, the Administration moves no closer to helping improve the human rights situation in Cuba and stands to violate the President's number one campaign promise and constitutional responsibility- to keep the American people and our homeland safe.

"With today's directive, the Administration is limiting our opportunities to improve the human rights and religious liberties of the Cuban people, not expanding them. This policy decision will hurt the United States economically, making it harder for our nation's farmers to access new markets and cutting the knees out from under our travel and manufacturing industries. Perhaps most importantly, today's announcement creates a very real security risk for the American people and our homeland by inviting foreign nations into our backyard to fill a void that today's announcement is creating.

"Today is not the end of this discussion; it is yet another chapter in a long and complex history between the United States and Cuba. My colleagues and I will continue to advocate for human rights and religious freedoms, a more secure hemisphere, and new economic opportunities for American farmers and businesses by improving our relationship with Cuba, not retreating.

"The voices of our policy makers must represent the voices of the overwhelming majority of Americans who favor improving our relationship with Cuba. I hope as we go forward, the President will remember he was elected to challenge the status quo - not to be part of it.

"We will be on the right side of history and lift this failed embargo."
