McCollum Statement on 2017 Presidential Inauguration


Date: Jan. 17, 2017

Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.) released the following statement regarding Friday's presidential inauguration ceremony:

"President-elect Donald Trump's behavior and policy proposals before, during, and after the November 8 election is repugnant to the values on which the United States was built and that Minnesotans hold dear. I have faith in our Constitutional democracy and in the power of citizen action to stop Mr. Trump's dangerous agenda in the coming months and years.

"On Friday, I will join President Obama and Secretary Clinton for the inauguration of our 45th President, a ritual that is a hallmark of our democratic government. I will also be present so Mr. Trump fully understands that, from the halls of Congress to the streets of our communities, Americans are already working to stop him from further hurting our country.

"That's a fight I will join in person, alongside thousands of Minnesotans, at the Women's March in St. Paul on Saturday."
