Rep. Trott Offers Solidarity in Egypt's Fight to Protect Coptic Christian Community

Date: Dec. 21, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Dave Trott (MI-11), Michigan's only Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, recently led a bipartisan effort in Congress condemning multiple terrorist attacks targeting local security and Coptic Christians, as well as vowing to continue protecting religious minorities in the Middle East.

"As the representative of a vibrant Coptic Christian population in Southeast Michigan, I was deeply saddened by the recent terror attacks in Egypt targeting local security and Coptic Christians. Christianity in the Middle East has been under increasing attacks from groups like ISIS and it's critical that protect these indigenous populations and all vulnerable communities from further attacks. I am encouraged by the bipartisan group of lawmakers who joined me in writing to the Egyptian Ambassador to express our condolences and I am also encouraged by the cooperation we've seen from the Egyptian government to stand against these kinds of disgraceful terror attacks," said Rep. Trott.

Rep. Trott and other lawmakers wrote Egyptian Ambassador Yasser Reda, following the December 11 suicide attack, targeting Coptic Christians inside St. Peter's Church adjacent to the Coptic Cathedral. As many as 25 people were killed, with dozens injured.
