Rothfus Statement on Paris Climate Agreement


Date: June 1, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] released the following statement after President Trump announced the United States will be pulling out of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change:

""The Paris Climate Agreement was never a legitimate deal. It was never submitted to the Senate for ratification because the Senate would never have ratified it. The Paris Agreement is not about climate. It is about control. It certainly is not about growth; it is about redistribution. We have a moral responsibility to create a much healthier economy that will increase jobs and increase wages. Only by building a stronger economy will we be able to generate the revenues we need to meet the commitments we have made to our seniors and veterans," said Congressman Rothfus. "Ending antigrowth obstacles like the Paris Agreement opens the way to a brighter future, with America in the lead. In applauding President Trump's move today, I stand with Western Pennsylvania manufacturers, boilermakers, power plant workers, railroad workers, truckers and miners in opposition to the Washington and global elites who want to concentrate power in their own hands."
