Rep. Schneider Meets with Local DREAMers

Press Release

Date: Feb. 18, 2017
Location: Lincolnshire, IL
Issues: Immigration

LINCOLNSHIRE, IL -- Today, Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) met with local DREAMers and immigrant advocates at a roundtable discussion to hear firsthand the challenges of growing up undocumented, as well as the positive effect that President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy has had on our communities.

"Many DREAMers came to the United States so young that they have grown up no other place but here," said Schneider. "They are as American as you or I, and it is shameful to force these young people to live second-class lives in the shadows under constant fear of deportation to an unfamiliar country. I strongly support continuing DACA and will stand against any attempt by the Trump Administration rollback these protections for DREAMers."

During the meeting, Schneider discussed his support for the BRIDGE Act, which would make law the protections included in DACA. In addition to shielding DREAMers from the threat of deportation, Schneider favors a more permanent solution through comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship.

The roundtable was hosted at the Waukegan offices of HACES, the Hispanic American Community and Education Services.

"DACA has provided relief to young people who are undocumented through no fault of their own, allowing them to acquire work permits and live without the looming threat of deportation," said María Elena Jonas, founder of HACES. "Our community is deeply worried by President Trump's campaign promise to "immediately terminate' DACA and fears more deportations that rip families apart. I appreciate Congressman Schneider for listening to the stories of young DREAMers today, and thank him for fighting to save DACA and pass comprehensive immigration reform."

On Wednesday, Schneider introduced an amendment to the oversight plan of the House Judiciary Committee that would require the committee to investigate any deportations of DACA eligible individuals.
