Hoeven Statement on the 44th Annual March for Life


Date: Jan. 27, 2017
Location: Washington, D.C.

Senator John Hoeven today issued the following statement in recognition of the 44th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. The senator spoke at the march this afternoon, which is led by approximately 600 students, administrators and friends of the University of Mary in Bismarck and attended by groups from across the state and nation.

"The March for Life is an important opportunity for our citizens, of many ages and from many different regions, to come together united in the cause of protecting the sanctity of human life. I am proud that North Dakotans have the opportunity to lead the march this year and that our state continues to be so well-represented at the largest pro-life event in the world. Thank you to all in attendance for your dedication to this cause. I will honor your efforts by continuing to work with my colleagues in the Senate to promote a national culture that values human life."
