Hunter announces he won't submit federal funding requests for sanctuaries


Today, U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter announced that for Fiscal Year 2018, he will not submit any federal appropriations requests on behalf of states, cities, universities or other entities that have an ordinance, policy or practice in place that undermines the enforcement of federal immigration laws.

"Sanctuaries that defy federal immigration laws should be held accountable," said Representative Hunter. "If a state or local entity prefers to violate the law and not cooperate on federal immigration matters, this should be an immediate disqualifier for federal funding.

"Members of Congress share a responsibility to ensure jurisdictions and entities within their Congressional Districts are abiding by the law. The submission of a federal funding request for sanctuaries is irresponsible and rewards disregard for the law--and I can't support that. It's my hope that many of my colleagues will take this same approach when considering funding requests for the next fiscal year."

Last Congress, Hunter's legislation--H.R. 3009, the Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act--was passed by the House on July 23, 2015, by a vote of 241-179. More recently, Hunter introduced the No Funding for Sanctuary Campuses Act, which denies Title IV funding to sanctuary campuses.
