Menendez Will Vote Against Zinke for Interior Secretary


Date: Feb. 28, 2017

"The Interior Department plays a major role in protecting our public lands and waters for future generations of Americans, and we need a Secretary who trusts in science and who will stand up to Big Oil. Unfortunately, nothing in Rep. Ryan Zinke's record suggests that he will put protecting New Jersey's coastline ahead of padding fossil fuel industry profits. An oil spill in the Atlantic would devastate New Jersey's tourism industry, destroy one of our nation's largest saltwater recreational fishing industries, and sink New Jersey home and business coastal property values of more than $700 billion.

"Rep. Zinke's close ties to the fossil fuel industry suggest that he may use his position at the Interior Department to do the bidding of an industry that puts corporate profits above the future of our clean air and water. While I appreciate his views on conservation, his voting record and his inconsistent statements on how to address human-caused climate change raise too many concerns for me to support his nomination. If confirmed, I will of course do everything I can to work with him in places of common ground--and to oppose him when needed to protect America's pristine parks, lands, and coastal waters."
