Statement on the Nomination of Congressman Tom Price to Be Secretary of Health and Human Services


Date: Nov. 29, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Keith Rothfus [PA-12] issued the following statement in response to President-elect Donald J. Trump nominating Congressman Tom Price [GA-06] to be Secretary of Health and Human Services:

"Dr. Price led the fight to repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare legislation. This law did not deliver on many of President Obama's promises and has resulted in skyrocketing premium and out-of-pocket increases that are crushing working families. As chairman of both the House Budget Committee and the RSC, he has proven himself to be a fair but strong leader in the crucial fight to pass affordable, patient-centered health care for all Americans," said Congressman Rothfus. "Dr. Price's nomination to serve as Health and Human Services secretary is not only well-deserved, but it inspires confidence that the American people will finally be on the road to the kind of health care system that works for them, not Washington bureaucrats. Working with a new President Trump and Republicans in Congress, Dr. Price will help usher in an era of lower costs, higher quality care, and consumer choice in health care for American families."
