ICYMI: Vitter's Plan to End Dangerous Sanctuary City Policies Gains Momentum

Press Release

U.S. Senator David Vitter (R-La.) first started the fight in the Senate to end sanctuary city policies in 2007. As Chairman of the Senate Border Security Caucus and Deputy Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee's Immigration Subcommittee, Vitter has introduced legislation that would withhold certain federal funding to cities harboring illegal aliens while redirecting those funds to municipalities that follow federal immigration laws. Vitter forced a Senate vote on his legislation in October 2015, and also forced the Senate to vote on blocking funding for sanctuary cities in 2007 and 2009. Click here to read more.

Earlier today, Vitter said, "During my decade-long fight to end sanctuary city policies, Senate Democrats and over 300 cities across the nation have foregone the safety of American families and communities in order to coddle and protect the 170,000 convicted criminal aliens who remain at-large in the U.S. Until we end all dangerous and illegal sanctuary city policies -- which I am confident will happen sooner than later -- the obvious first step is to withhold federal funding from those cities refusing to comply with federal immigration laws."

Following President-elect Donald Trump's comments on ending sanctuary city policies and calls to legislatively reform the nation's immigration system, Vitter's legislative plan is gaining momentum. Below are news articles from the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post detailing the renewed push to hold sanctuary cities accountable for ignoring current immigration law under the forthcoming Trump Administration.
