Issue Position: National Security

Issue Position

Nothing is more important to me than keeping Nevada families safe. I'm a prosecutor who spent eight years as Attorney General putting drug dealers, sex traffickers, and violent criminals behind bars. I also worked with Homeland Security officials to gather intelligence about criminal and terrorist threats to protect Nevadans. In contrast, even keeping our families safe has been hurt by gridlock and ideological pursuits in Washington.

My husband is a retired Secret Service Agent. We are both gun owners. But imagine the lunacy of letting those listed on the terrorist no-fly list to be able to buy guns like the rest of us. That makes no sense. It's time we focus on our common good, as Democrats and Republicans, to protect our country. ISIS is determined to continue to attack us and we must destroy them before more innocent lives are taken. This starts by Congress declaring war on ISIS. We also need to directly arm and train the Iraqi Kurds to help combat ISIS, as well as increase targeted air strikes and continue supporting our allies in the region to root out terrorists.
