Hunter Reaction to Court Ruling on DCGS-Army


Date: Oct. 31, 2016

U.S. Representative Duncan Hunter made the following statement today in response to a federal ruling that imposes an injunction on the U.S. Army's Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS):

"It's about time this happened, but it's still amazing that it took a court of law to reveal the truth about DCGS and counter the blatant misrepresentations and falsehoods that originated within a bureaucracy that is supposed to look out for the best interests of our soldiers. Instead, our troops have been put at a disadvantage, all while taxpayers have been asked to give even more money--above the billions of dollars allocated so far--for the next installment of DCGS.

"From the start, this was always more than just a contracting fight. Soldiers in combat have repeatedly requested an off-the-shelf alternative that they assert saves lives. In one instance, a commander of a major division called it a matter of life and limb. The fact that this technology has been repeatedly denied and actively discredited is an example of bureaucracy at its worst.

"We must not allow bureaucrats and others with personal agendas to stop our soldiers from fighting and winning wars. And I'm pleased today that a court sided with our soldiers and is forcing the Army to reissue its RFP on DCGS."
