With New Ethics Complaint, McGinty Still Won't Commit to Court-Ordered Email Release Before Election Day

Press Release

Date: Oct. 20, 2016
Location: North Wales, PA

Katie McGinty yesterday continued to duck questions about releasing her official state emails before Election Day, after the Commonwealth Court ordered them public within 30 days of last Friday. By all accounts, McGinty and Governor Wolf's administration intend to play the waiting game and dump her official emails at the last possible minute, just five days after voters have to make their choice for U.S. Senate.

Voters heading to the polls should be concerned about what McGinty was doing during her brief, failed stint as Chief of Staff last year. In fact, a single leaked email yesterday showed McGinty was violating state rules by engaging in political activity with taxpayer resources, prompting a new ethics complaint, and adding to her long history of ethics problems.

"Katie McGinty needs to be straight with voters on whether she will release her emails before Election Day in the wake of the Commonwealth Court order," said Toomey for Senate spokesman Ted Kwong. "These latest ethics problems should concern voters, especially given McGinty's long, long list of ethics rebukes and scandals."
