Another Day, Another Poll with Zinke Up Double Digits


Date: Oct. 26, 2016
Location: Missoula, MT

oday, the Montana State University Billings' political science department released a poll with Zinke leading Juneau a whopping 50 to 31 percent. This comes just one week after an independent poll put Zinke thirteen points ahead of Juneau. Montana State University political scientist David Parker said last week "that gap is going to be very hard to overcome." And the gap just got bigger.

"I am humbled by the support Montana has shown me this election season," said Rep. Ryan Zinke. "I am proud to see that we are continuously up in the polls, but I am not taking anything for granted. With only two weeks left until Election Day, I can promise you I will work overtime to make sure every Montanan's voice is heard this campaign."
