New Zinke Ad Reveals All


Date: Oct. 27, 2016
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Zinke for Congress released a new ad revealing that under Superintendent Juneau's watch, more than 64 criminals were driving school buses. This number includes felons, individuals with open arrest warrants, drunk drivers, and even one individual on the sexual and violent offender registry. This disturbing information was discovered during the School Transportation Funding and Safety Audit of 2013, five years into Juneau's tenure as OPI.

"Denise Juneau cannot expect to serve the people of Montana in Congress when she can't even keep our kids safe at the helm in Helena," said Zinke spokeswoman Heather Swift. "Juneau consistently claims that she is proud of her tenure as Superintendent of Public Instruction but that's only because she hides from her record. Thousands of Montana children were put at risk on her watch. If she can't do her job now, she absolutely should not be promoted -- she should be fired."
