Pride Fund to End Gun Violence Endorses Carol Shea-Porter for Congress


Date: Oct. 27, 2016
Location: Manchester, NH

Yesterday, Carol Shea-Porter earned the endorsement of the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence. Founded in the wake of the tragedy in Orlando that claimed the lives of 49 people at the Pulse nightclub, the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence supports LGBTQ advocates that pursue common-sense proposals to prevent gun violence.

"I am honored to have the endorsement of the Pride Fund to End Gun Violence. This organization is committed to mobilizing the LGBTQ community and allies to help eliminate senseless gun tragedies and hate crimes, and I am proud to stand with them. We need to work together to pass common-sense legislation that reduces gun violence while protecting our Second Amendment rights, so that massacres like the Pulse night club shooting never happen again," said Carol Shea-Porter.
