Issue Position: Common Core

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Education

Common Core is not a Republican versus Democrat issue. It is not a conservative versus liberal issue. It is not a business leader versus parent issue. It's none of those things.

Common Core is an issue of the lack of urgency at the top of our state education department to take the corrective actions necessary for our students and educators.
Experts with opposite political beliefs acknowledge Common Core has problems, especially as it pertains to being age appropriate in K-3.

See:; NC Academic Standards Review Commission Report of Findings and Recommendations, December, 2015

As a school board member, Mark constantly hears the frustrations and concerns from students, parents, and teachers. As the father of a young daughter soon to start school, Mark worries about her entering a Common Core Kindergarten classroom.


Mark's opponent has praised and defended common core for the last 5 years.

Every year that goes by is another year our students and teachers are dealing with age-inappropriate standards. Where is the urgency at the top of our state education department to tackle these tough issues? Instead, our education leaders are okay with the status quo. More of the same cannot be the only option for our students and educator
