FACT CHECK: As Ayotte's Struggles Continue, Corporate Special Interests Swoop In With Another False Attack Ad To Prop Her Up

Press Release

Date: Oct. 23, 2016
Location: Concord, NH

As a new WMUR/UNH Granite State poll showed Kelly Ayotte down nine with just two weeks to go following her failed political calculations on Donald Trump, her corporate special interest backers launched yet another desperate bid to salvage her reelection campaign. Despite the false claims from Ayotte's corporate special interest backers, here are the facts on Governor Hassan's real record of fighting for New Hampshire seniors:

Governor Hassan has a proven record of supporting seniors in New Hampshire. She worked across party lines to provide nursing homes with a reimbursement rate increase while maintaining a balanced budget. She signed a law that strengthened protections for seniors by making financial exploitation of elderly, disabled or impaired adults a criminal offense and another law requiring the state to develop an educational program on Alzheimer's disease and provide training to law enforcement on Alzheimer's. She also signed into law a seniors bill of rights and the CARE Act, which improves patient care and supports caregivers who help make it possible for seniors to live independently at home. In 2015 the AARP honored Maggie as a Capitol Caregiver for her efforts.

Independent fact checkers have debunked claims that the Affordable Care Act includes "cuts" to Medicare -- rather, the Affordable Care Act allows for future Medicare savings that will help extend the solvency of the program, cover more of the cost of prescription drugs for the elderly and ensure that preventive care can be offered with no co-pay. These false attacks are a transparent attempt to cover up Ayotte's record of voting to repeal Medicaid expansion, which is critical to combating substance abuse, and Ayotte's votes to cut Medicare by turning it into a private voucher system.

The Senate Leadership Fund, a Super PAC affiliated with Ayotte's close ally GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove, is trying to prop up Ayotte's re-election chances because she has repeatedly voted for the special interests' agenda at the expense of hard-working families. Senate Leadership Fund and it's sister dark money group One Nation have spent almost $33 million propping up Ayotte this cycle with the The Washington Post reporting that "Trying to get Ayotte reelected is by far the biggest investment that the Senate Leadership Fund is making this cycle."

"Kelly Ayotte's corporate special interest allies are desperate to prop up her floundering campaign and preserve her reliable vote for their agenda in Washington," said Maggie for NH Communications Director Aaron Jacobs. "Granite Staters know that Governor Hassan fights tirelessly on behalf of our state's seniors, protecting and strengthening retirement security while working across party lines to maintain nursing home funding in a fiscally responsible way. By contrast, Ayotte has sided with the Koch Brothers and voted to jeopardize hardworking families' retirement security by voucherizing Medicare and forcing steep cuts to Social Security.
