Rep. Rick Allen Surveys GA-12 Hurricane Matthew


Date: Oct. 12, 2016
Location: Augusta, GA

Today, Rep. Rick Allen (R-Ga.-12) traveled around Georgia's 12th Congressional District, specifically in Bulloch, Effingham and Screven Counties, surveying damage done by Hurricane Matthew. Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black and Georgia Farm Bureau President Gerald Long were able to join Rep. Allen in Screven County, and they were able to listen and speak with community members who have been affected by the storm as well as those who have worked tirelessly to make sure people are safe.

Rep. Allen released the following statement after his visits:

"First, I want to say thank you to the people on the ground--our local and state officials for their hard work assisting those who were affected by the storm. I also commend our state representatives, state senators and Governor Deal for the great job they did in keeping in touch with the emergency management in Atlanta and continuously keeping Georgians alert and aware of conditions.

It is truly heartbreaking that some have lost their livelihoods and even their lives in this natural disaster. At this time, Hurricane Matthew claimed the lives of over 25 Americans, sadly including two in Bulloch County. We have people still without power, like Reggie, who I met today in Effingham County. Local pecan farmers today asked me, "How do you harvest with trees down all around the pecan trees?" People are hurting.

On a federal level, I have been in constant contact with FEMA and the Red Cross to make sure our counties are taken care of. I will do all in my power to ensure those who are in need receive the timely assistance they deserve.

To those in Georgia-12, my office is here to help. If you are in need of assistance with FEMA or another federal agency, have questions, or are just unsure of where to even start--please call any of my offices.

Robin and I are continuing to pray for those lost and hurt by Hurricane Matthew. I am grateful for all in the community that opened up their hearts, homes, businesses, churches and resources to help those affected by this storm."
