Reed Unites With Victims

Press Release

Date: Oct. 11, 2016
Location: Corning, NY

Tom Reed is fighting for the victims of the terrorist attacks on September 11th. "I am proud to see Congress come together to help the families and victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks," said Tom Reed. "I care deeply about our families. We must always stand up for them and make sure they are treated fairly."

Reed joined with Republicans and Democrats in both the Senate and House in voting to overrule Obama's veto on a bill which would allow victims and families of the victim's of 9.11 terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia. Tom's opponent is former Obama foreign policy aide John Plumb.

"We are disheartened and dumbfounded by this veto. We are also saddened to see Plumb has not called out Obama for not standing with victims of 9/11," said Amy Hasenberg, Tom Reed for Congress Spokeswoman. "Tom is proud to continue fighting for our families."
