John McCain Leading the Fight to Prevent Veteran Suicide

Press Release

Date: Oct. 5, 2016
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Yesterday, John McCain introduced the Veterans Overmedication Prevention Act which would prevent the overmedication of veterans and tackle suicide deaths.

In order to ensure that the VA has accurate information about the relationship between veteran suicides and prescription medication, the bill would direct the VA to conduct an independent study on the deaths of all veterans being treated at the VA who died by suicide or from a drug overdose in the last five years.

John McCain has been a leader on providing mental health services to our veterans. In 2015, he sponsored the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act, which enhanced suicide prevention and mental health care resources for veterans.

"John McCain has fought for veterans and their families throughout his career. John is a national leader in reforming VA health care and suicide prevention programs for America's service members and veterans. Because of John's leadership, veterans have better access to care for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and combat related injuries, improving the quality of care for those who have served and sacrificed." -- Heather Johnson (Navy Veteran, Phoenix, Arizona)

In March, John McCain unveiled the Care Veterans Deserve Act. The plan outlines action items that can help Arizona veterans immediately such as extended pharmacy hours and a permanent VA Choice Card as well as long-term solutions to issues of denied and delayed care at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
