Issue Position: Community

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

For Jamaal and his family, it's always been community first.

Jamaal's family taught him that we can only get out of our communities what we put into it. Jamaal's grandmother and his aunts lived out their commitment to the community through their involvement in Butler Memorial United Methodist Church. Jamaal was raised seeing these active community members and currently mentors young men to be equally as active. Jamaal has always been heavily involved in getting youth interested in sports. Currently, Jamaal serves on the board of the North Bronx Little League.

Too often, our community doesn't get its fair share. One of Jamaal's top priorities has been bringing a community center to our district that all ages can enjoy. Working for Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, Jamaal led negotiations to bring a state-of-the art recreational center to our district--and in October 2015, the City of New York released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the development and operation of a new recreational and community facility in the Edenwald neighborhood, at 1250 East 229th Street.
