Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 22, 2016
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Chairman, I thank Chairman Royce for his leadership on this issue. I rise in support of this legislation, the Prohibiting Future Ransom Payments to Iran Act, of which I am a proud cosponsor.

Last month, Mr. Chairman, information came to light the administration secretly paid a cash ransom to Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, in exchange for the release of American hostages, a decision kept secret from Congress, a decision kept from Congress because, as this administration and its own State Department know well, it is longstanding U.S. policy to deny hostage-takers the benefits of ransom.

In fact, just last year, President Obama issued a Presidential Policy Directive stating just that: ``The United States Government will make no concessions to individuals or groups holding U.S. nationals hostage. It is United States policy to deny hostage-takers the benefits of ransom, prisoner releases, policy changes, or other acts of concession.''

I fear this President has set a dangerous precedent for United States nationals and personnel abroad. We are already seeing it, Mr. Chairman. Since the ransom has been paid, Iran has taken seven more United States citizens hostage.

This decision was not only foolish, but shortsighted. I have yet to mention where this money is likely to go. Iran has been designated as a state sponsor of terrorism by the U.S. State Department since 1984. It has supported groups like Hezbollah and Hamas, which call for the destruction of our allies, including Israel.

The President would understandably like to deny ransom was paid and instead claim this was simply leverage and part of a settlement deal that he struck with the same Iranians who, by his own admission, have violated the spirit of his generous agreements before. For someone who holds the spirit of pledges in such high esteem, Mr. Chairman, I don't think even the President could disagree that, at the very least, he violated the spirit of his own policy.

This administration's desire to appease a radical Iranian regime knows no bounds. Though the President stands idly by as the Iranians violate the terms of their agreement with the United States, Congress must not stand idly by while he violates his own deal with the American people.

I thank Chairman Royce for his leadership on this. I urge my colleagues to support this legislation, H.R. 5931. It is time to cut off the cash.

