Carol Shea-Porter Statement on NH-01 Republican Primary


Date: Aug. 11, 2016
Location: Rochester, NH
Issues: Elections

Democratic candidate Carol Shea-Porter issued the following statement on Frank Guinta's extremely narrow primary win.

"Frank Guinta's primary opponent was right when he said Guinta is unfit for office. New Hampshire deserves better. I look forward to holding Congressman Guinta accountable for his constant deception of New Hampshire voters. His brazen lies about illegal campaign contributions, his record, and his unfounded personal attacks have no place in our state. He has repeatedly lied to the people of New Hampshire, and when caught red-handed, he refused to admit or apologize, even when Republican leaders and New Hampshire newspapers called on him to do so. Congressman Guinta has made a mockery of the values we cherish in New Hampshire: honesty, integrity, transparency, and independence.

In Congress, I was proud to fight for middle class families, small businesses, women, the LGBTQ community, seniors, and veterans. I was a strong voice for military men and women and their families on the Armed Services Committee, secured more funding for veterans' healthcare and more grant money for college students, protected Social Security and Medicare, and voted for funding for Medicaid expansion, which is being used in New Hampshire to fight the opioid and heroin crisis. I have never accepted a dime from corporate PACs or DC lobbyists, and I have been a strong advocate for campaign finance reform. I will work tirelessly to pass equal pay, child care, and paid family leave legislation to help New Hampshire families. We need a Congress that will work for the rest of us instead of collecting checks from corporate interests. I will bring my New Hampshire values--hard work and integrity--back to Washington."
