Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

1. Small business generates the majority of job growth in Minnesota and across the country. Removing regulatory barriers to the creation and growth of entrepreneurial enterprises and reducing the tax burden placed upon them is critical to producing good, high paying jobs for Minnesotans.

2. Minnesota businesses pay a statewide property tax levy in addition to the local property taxes. This levy places an additional burden on smaller business not found in neighboring states. I support a reduction in this statewide levy to make Minnesota more attractive to small business owners.

3. I also support expanding and simplifying well managed low cost loan, tax credit and financial incentive programs which provide startup capital and financial support for small businesses at little or no net cost to the public.

4. Jobs are going unfilled in the St Cloud area due to a lack of qualified people to fill them. Support for expanded programs at the Technical and Community College level needs to be explored. Additionally, Community/School partnerships need to be explored to give schools and students in the Middle and High school levels a chance to identify and experience skills that are in demand and assist in providing curriculum changes to develop these skills.
