What Earth Day Is All About

Date: April 22, 2016
Issues: Environment

Happy Earth Day!

Today is an opportunity to renew our commitment to our planet. It's about leaving a better world for the next generation. That means protecting our air and water from pollution, fighting climate change, and defending our pristine environment from the greed of energy companies that exploit it.

The stakes are high here in Florida. If we don't take action now, rising sea levels will flood our coastal cities, beaches, and the Everglades, causing irreparable damage to our people and our economy. There's a lot of work to be done to combat climate change, but it's not too late to act.

That's why I've been working hard in Tallahassee to pass bold environmental reforms to increase access to solar power and renewables, reduce pollution, and put us on a path to clean energy. That's why I led the fight to ban fracking on all public lands in Florida. And that's why, with your support, I'll do the same in Congress.
