Statement from Republican Candidate Neal Dunn on Veterans Day 2016


Date: Nov. 11, 2015
Location: Panama City, FL

Republican Candidate Neal Dunn for Florida Congressional District 2 today issued the following statement regarding Veterans Day 2016.

"My wife and I grew up in military families; both our fathers were career officers as were their fathers. I served as a surgeon in the Army for over a decade and my son served. So I know first-hand just how special Veterans Day is and what it means to so many families here in our District, the Sunshine State and across the nation.

"Today, I ask that you please join me in honoring all of the men and women who have served and defended our great nation for our freedom. And, as we look toward the future, please keep this in mind: we are the greatest nation in the world, but only as long as we have a great military, and I believe that this administration is gutting ours. This White House is openly hostile to the military, shrinking and shorting it at every chance they get.

"I am running for this Congressional seat because I am concerned about the way we care for our veterans and hope to have the opportunity to work with you to find smart solutions."
