Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

I believe that our health care system must be reformed. But I wholeheartedly opposed the Democrat-led move toward government-run health care in the 111th Congress. The notion that the federal government could overtake our health care system and run it with increased efficiency is absurd and indicates a serious lack of historical perspective.

The federal government is not known for its ability to keep entitlement spending under control, and the thought of Americans' health care decisions being put into the hands of an unimaginably large bureaucracy is a frightening prospect, indeed. This is why I opposed every degree of the legislation we now refer to as "ObamaCare." I have voted to repeal and defund this monstrous piece of legislation every time I have had the opportunity in the House.

The United States is a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world. We have been successful because of our willingness to allow every person, regardless of nationality or social standing, to strive for success, without heavy-handed government intervention. Good health care reform must be enacted to put health care decisions in the hands of the patient, not in the cold, incapable hands of an inefficient bureaucracy.

Any good health care reform legislation -- to replace ObamaCare - must adhere to four basic principles:

* First, every American, regardless of health or financial status, should have access to affordable healthcare coverage of their choice, including those who have a medical condition that makes finding affordable healthcare coverage difficult.

* Second, healthcare should be family-focused and patient centered. It must put patients, in consultation with their doctors, in control of their healthcare; not the patient's employer, and certainly not government bureaucrats. The government should not be deciding which treatments are given or denied.

* Third, people should own and control their healthcare plan, and it should be personal and portable. Individuals should have the ability to change their plan if they find they don't like it, and keep it if it fits their needs at a price they are willing to pay.

* And fourth, Americans who are happy with their current plan should be allowed to keep it.

For these reasons, I consistently oppose health care proposals that wrested control of the American health care industry from the hands of private organizations and turn it over to the federal government.
