Issue Position: The Environment

Issue Position

Growing up, I spent all my summers on the waters of Lake Michigan and fishing in the Bay of Green Bay. My winters were spent snowmobiling or trying to find any hill big enough that I could sled or ski down. Our vast natural resources are a part of what makes Wisconsin such a special place to call home. And it's our responsible and balanced stewardship of these national treasures that will secure them for generations to come while still providing enjoyment, income, and beauty for us today.

We must protect our natural resources without letting bureaucrats in Washington DC destroy our economy. We need to stand firm against excessive regulations that will put Wisconsin out of business, subject our economy to the command and control of the EPA, and do little to actually help the environment. As someone who works in the energy industry helping companies minimize fuel costs and emissions, I will use my private sector experience to fight for a common-sense, all of-the-above energy policy that reduces our dependence on foreign energy, creates jobs, strengthens our manufacturing base, while also protecting all of the natural beauty Wisconsin has to offer.

Here in Northeast Wisconsin, the environment is far too valuable to be subjected to partisan bickering. That's why I would also continue Congressman Ribble's Save the Bay initiative, continuing to bring local communities and stakeholders together to protect the Bay of Green Bay and improve our water quality.
