Issue Position: Energy Independence

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Energy

The recent fluctuations in global and domestic energy prices underscores the need for an all-of-the above approach to solving our energy problems. That includes oil and gas, clean-coal, nuclear, wind, solar and all renewable sources of energy. Unfortunately, the current Administration is pursuing an agenda making American energy harder to produce, more expensive for families and small businesses and our nation more dependent on the whims of unfriendly oil cartels.

In addition to expanding oil and gas exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and the outer continental shelf (OCS), we need to take a look at the complex regulations governing energy development. There has not been an oil refinery to come online in 30 years. To address the energy problem in the near-term, we must increase our fossil-fuel production here at home and reduce our dependence on foreign energy.

Demand for energy is growing around the world, especially in China, India and other nations with rapidly growing populations. As the demand for fossil fuels continues to increase, it is critical that we focus on developing economically viable alternatives here at home for long-term sustainability. From wind energy to nuclear power and from clean-coal to fuel-cell technology, our approach to energy independence needs to be comprehensive, long-term, but also mindful of our current needs.
