Issue Position: Affordable College Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

"For many Vermonters, a college degree is increasingly out of reach. Those who do get their diploma are often saddled with a mountain of student loan debt. Congress must increase student financial aid and give borrowers the opportunity to refinance student loans at today's lower rates. At the same time, institutions of higher learning must bring their costs under control so that tuition and fees don't outpace the ability of middle class families to afford them."

Spotlight on College Costs
In the fall of 2015, Rep. Welch held a roundtable at the University of Vermont with students, parents and recent graduates to discuss the challenges they face in financing a college education. He unveiled his legislative agenda for an affordable higher education which includes simplifying the loan process, cutting college costs, innovative degree programs, and fully funding student aid programs.
