Bipartisan Results: Getting the Job Done for SW Michigan


By now you're probably sick and tired of hearing about the dysfunction in Washington. I know I am -- especially since I've always been one willing to reach across the aisle in order to get the job done for Southwest Michigan.

But as chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee I am also proud of our strong record of bipartisan results, which is something that we don't see enough of in the news. That's why over the next ten weeks I'd like to highlight some success stories coming out of Washington that positively affect folks right here in Southwest Michigan.

H.R. 225, the National Pediatric Research Network Act of 2013 is the first bill I want to talk with you about.

This bill is something especially near and dear to my heart. Mattawan is home to Eric and Sarah Kennedy and their two beautiful little girls, Brooke and Brielle, who suffer from a rare disorder known as type II Spinal Muscular Atrophy. I've become close with these two courageous young angels over the past few years -- and they served as my inspiration to ensure we got the national pediatric research network across the finish line.

Why does this bill matter? It was designed to help families in Southwest Michigan and the country just like the Kennedys by providing more federal resources for research of rare pediatric and genetic diseases. The sad reality is that it is often difficult to conduct research into rare afflictions due to the small number of young patients that are battling the disease, but the creation of a national pediatric research network will help change that. This bill will boost research and bring hope for cures or advancements in treatment as millions of families and communities grapple with rare diseases.
