Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

"America's success does not stem from Washington programs, but from free enterprise and our entrepreneurial spirit. The real way to grow the economy is to get government out of the way, and let the real job creators, American small businesses, create jobs. The federal government needs to support entrepreneurs by eliminating burdensome regulations and discriminatory taxes that are holding businesses back."

-- Diane Black

Fighting against tax increases: Diane knows that we don't create jobs by taxing job creators. When Americans are able to keep more of their hard earned money, they put it back into the economy and jobs are created.
Reducing Regulations: Diane understands that burdensome and unnecessary regulations kill job creation. That is why she has voted to reduce regulations across the board and require Congress to approve all new, large regulations.

Supports Tax Reform: Diane voted twice to enact comprehensive tort reform that would reduce frivolous lawsuits and save honest Americas millions of dollars.

Removing Barriers to Investment: Diane fought to enact The JOBS Act that is designed to increase small business competitiveness and growth, removing barriers for investment and making it easier for more small and medium size companies to go public.

Increasing American Energy Production: Diane successfully fought to get Washington out of the way by lifting the EPA's job-crushing boiler MACT regulation and preventing further delay of the job creating, energy rich Keystone XL pipeline. Unfortunately, President Obama rejected the Keystone Pipeline, which would have created 20,000 jobs and helped move us toward energy independence

Established Jobs Task Forces: Diane formed a Jobs Task Force in each of the 6th Congressional District's counties to work with local job creators in helping to create the best environment for them to create jobs. Membership in each task force varies, but most include local elected officials, Chamber of Commerce Presidents, as well as Economic Community Development Directors. Each Task Force represents the unique needs of each county--from rural areas focused on agriculture, to the suburban counties surrounding Nashville, with their manufacturing and service base.
