Issue Position: National Security

Issue Position

The failed foreign policy of the Obama Administration created a world of instability and chaos. The Russians ignored our calls for a cease-fire, the Iranians and North Koreans work to increase their nuclear capabilities with no sign of repercussion, and ISIS continues to grow in numbers and in strength as it recruits around the world. President Obama has repeatedly disregarded our ally Israel, and negotiated a disastrous deal with Iran that has only emboldened the regime with increased missile testing aimed to provoke the Jewish nation. This President has driven this country to a place where our enemies don't fear us and our allies don't trust us.

More than ever, we need a strong national defense that is able to protect American interests abroad all while keeping our citizens safe at home. The free world is under attack and waiting on American leadership to maintain the peace, contain brutal dictators, and to reassert itself as an economic and military superpower. Only through strong American leadership will the world be safer and more prosperous.

To reverse the failed policies of President Obama, Louisiana's next Senator must support the most capable, well-equipped military and intelligence community with necessary funding for overseas operations. Our next Senator must work to develop an effective diplomatic strategy to build functioning coalitions that not only isolate rogue regimes, but also create a more stable, prosperous world. And, our next Senator must pressure the Administration to articulate a real foreign policy strategy instead of careening from crisis to crisis.

Louisiana must play a leading role in this. We must have a Senator who knows the importance of Fort Polk and its Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) as the premier training ground for the U.S. Army. And, our next Senator must fight to bolster the U.S. Air Force presence at Barksdale Air Force Base, recognizing the base's Global Strike Command is one of the most important pieces of our nuclear arsenal.

As Louisiana's next Senator, Dr. Charles Boustany will continue to bolster support for policies that protect our nation, properly fund our military, and promote American values.
